First Chapters

First ChaptersFirst Chapters is an introduction to twenty-two cutting edge indie authors. Some of them are award-winning, some are bestselling, and they all, at one time, joined forces at a site dedicated to the indie author movement. This volume includes a wide array of genres and unique voices.

This volume includes chapters from authors DV Berkom, Melissa Bowersock, Laurie Boris, K.S. Brooks, Lynne Cantwell, Martin Crosbie, Jim Devitt, A.C. Flory, Yvonne Hertzberger, Stephen Hise, Mark Jacobs, Chris James, LA Lewandowski, TD McKinnon, Rich Meyer, Melissa Pearl, Lin Robinson, Kathy Rowe, Carolyn Steele, Krista Tibbs, Dick Waters, and Carol Wyer.

First Chapters is great value. I’ve already been seduced and sidetracked from reading the rest of the First Chapters by a couple of the featured chapters, to purchase entire e-books. A great way to sample new writers and genres.”
An Reviewer

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